
Area Converter

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Converter Square Mile to Biswa

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Square Mile

____ square mile equals to ____ biswa

____ वर्ग मील बराबर होता है ____ बिस्वा

About Square Mile

About Square Mile

Symbol: mi2

Abbreviation: sq mi (Imperial units)

Unit of: Area

One square mile is an area of the earth which measures a square that is one mile long on each side. Note that if you don't specify whether a mile represents a statute or a nautical mile, and without specifying any units at all, then it's generally assumed to refer to statute miles exactly. So therefore one square mile is equal to 5,280 feet or 2.59 hectares (2.589988 hectares actually). In the US Public Land Survey System and in Canada's Dominion Land Survey system, there was traditionally one section of land per square mile; however nowadays they typically contain 640 acres instead. The abbreviation sq. remains common with miles, however since it's so close to "square" in both appearance and pronunciation some abbreviate it as "sq." to avoid confusion with a unit of distance which uses the same abbreviation.

In area measurements, a square mile is equal to 1.6 kilometers (or 2.590 square kilometers) and is a common unit widely used in the imperial system as well as the US customary units. It should be noted that this unit is not the same as sq mi confused mile—a "square mile" which refers to a region of land that has been subdivided by surveyors into one-mile blocks (640 acres/1.6km/2.59km²), each with an acreage of approximately 0.404 km²; or, alternately, 640 acres (1.6328 km²).

Unit of Area

Conversion Unit

1 Square Mile

258.99954 hectare

1 Square Mile

640.00116 acre

1 Square Mile

2589992.75 sq.mt.

1 Square Mile

64005.99609 cent

1 Square Mile

3097605.25 sq.yd.

1 Square Mile

1024.00195 bigha

1 Square Mile

3097631.5 gaj

1 Square Mile

64005.99609 decimal

1 Square Mile

102400.1875 marla

1 Square Mile

25600.04688 guntha

1 Square Mile

5120.00928 kanal

1 Square Mile

20480.03711 katha

1 Square Mile

20650.70508 biswa

1 Square Mile

921601.625 sq.karam

1 Square Mile

2.58999 sq.km.

1 Square Mile

11614.31738 ground

1 Square Mile

619521.125 chatak

1 Square Mile

409600.75 dhur

1 Square Mile

640.00116 killa

1 Square Mile

409600.75 lessa

1 Square Mile

25.60003 murabba

1 Square Mile

4014488832 sq.in.

1 Square Mile

10240.01855 biswa kacha

1 Square Mile

25899927552 sq.cm.

1 Square Mile

484.00089 pura

1 Square Mile

27878452 sq.ft.