
Area Converter

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Converter Marla to Ground


Reverse link: Ground to Marla

____ marla equals to ____ ground

____ मरला बराबर होता है ____ ग्राउंड

About Marla

About Marla


Abbreviation:  Marla

Unit of: Area

Marla (मारला) is a unit of land measurement used in India, especially in North and North Western parts. It is often used along with other terms like bigha(15 marlas), gaj (3 to 4 bighas), or sarsahi (3 bighas). Marla means 'length of middle finger' and is believed to have been derived from ancient Indian system of measurement, which put the length of the middle finger as one unit for comparison for various lengths/units. This was a much easier way to measure things when village folks didn't rely on tools that had been invented after their time.

A marla in India can be described as an entire unit that is equal to nine sarsahi or 272.25 sqft. It was derived from the word "merul" meaning – measurement (9 x 30.25). Now, a marla of land is no longer measured on a permanent basis by 160th portion of acre since acres have been changed to metric probably (1 cent is approximately equal to 1.6 marlas). As well, it's also one quarter of a kharek which is 2933 sqft and is approximately equal 0.15352 hectares

Convert Marla to Other Unit

Unit of Area

Conversion Unit

1 Marla

0.00253 hectare

1 Marla

0.00625 acre

1 Marla

25.29285 sq.mt.

1 Marla

0.62506 cent

1 Marla

30.25 sq.yd.

1 Marla

0.01 bigha

1 Marla

30.25025 gaj

1 Marla

0.62506 decimal

1 Marla

0.25 guntha

1 Marla

0.05 kanal

1 Marla

0.2 katha

1 Marla

0.20167 biswa

1 Marla

9 sq.karam

1 Marla

0.00003 sq.km.

1 Marla

0.11342 ground

1 Marla

6.05 chatak

1 Marla

4 dhur

1 Marla

0.00625 killa

1 Marla

0.00001 sq.mi.

1 Marla

4 lessa

1 Marla

0.00025 murabba

1 Marla

39203.92188 sq.in.

1 Marla

0.1 biswa kacha

1 Marla

252928.53125 sq.cm.

1 Marla

0.00473 pura

1 Marla

272.25 sq.ft.