
Area Converter

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Converter Decimal to Marla


Reverse link: Marla to Decimal

____ decimal equals to ____ marla

____ दशांश बराबर होता है ____ मरला

About Decimal

About Decimal


Unit of: Area

Real Estate transactions are roughly 70% in nature as they relate to monetary value. This is why use of decimals, fractions, and percentage are quite common when it comes down to selling or purchasing real estate. Decimals can be defined as numbers that show an integer part that is separated from its fractional part by the use of a decimal separator (.). The period (.) in a decimal number is called a "decimal." The digits following the decimal point show values smaller than one.

Numbers with a decimal component are commonly applied to real estate transactions because they have a relationship to money. For example, in the context of property sale or purchase, we can say that <name> Financial Services make use of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Decimals are numbers that have integer digits and a fractional component separated by a point (.). In short, one may describe the use of decimals as something typical of values which have fractional components that fall after the integer part separated by commas. To give you an example: “%” is just another word for “percentage”; it comprises two parts – the percent symbol (%) followed by percentage number itself.

History of decimal

The decimal system has been used in many cultures around the world for centuries. The first recorded use of the decimal system was in ancient Babylon, where it was used for mathematical calculations. The Maya civilization also used the decimal system for their calculations. The Incas and Aztecs also used the decimal system, and it was later adopted by the Europeans in the middle Ages.

The decimal system is based on the number 10, which is the number of fingers on both hands. This number is used because it is easy to count to 10 and to divide by 10. The decimal system is used in many different applications, including money, time, and measurement. The metric system, which is used in most countries, is based on the decimal system.

The decimal system has been an important part of mathematics and science for centuries. It is a simple and efficient way to represent numbers and to perform calculations. The decimal system is used all over the world, and it is an essential part of our everyday lives.


Unit of Area

Conversion Unit

1 Decimal

0.00405 hectare

1 Decimal

0.01 acre

1 Decimal

40.46485 sq.mt.

1 Decimal

1 cent

1 Decimal

48.39555 sq.yd.

1 Decimal

0.016 bigha

1 Decimal

48.39596 gaj

1 Decimal

1.59985 marla

1 Decimal

0.39996 guntha

1 Decimal

0.07999 kanal

1 Decimal

0.31997 katha

1 Decimal

0.32264 biswa

1 Decimal

14.39868 sq.karam

1 Decimal

0.00004 sq.km.

1 Decimal

0.18146 ground

1 Decimal

9.67911 chatak

1 Decimal

6.39941 dhur

1 Decimal

0.01 killa

1 Decimal

0.00002 sq.mi.

1 Decimal

6.39941 lessa

1 Decimal

0.0004 murabba

1 Decimal

62720.51172 sq.in.

1 Decimal

0.15999 biswa kacha

1 Decimal

404648.46875 sq.cm.

1 Decimal

0.00756 pura

1 Decimal

435.56 sq.ft.