
Area Converter

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Converter Biswa to Square Mile

State *
Square Mile

____ biswa equals to ____ square mile

____ बिस्वा बराबर होता है ____ वर्ग मील

About Biswa

About Biswa

Abbreviation: Biswa

Unit of: Area

The term "Biswa" is an established land area measuring unit extensively used in the northern and western states of India. It is popular in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Uttarakhand. The unit is used in rural areas to measure agricultural land but it is not standardized. Its value varies from state to state.


In the northern belt of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Haryana, 1 Biswa is equal to 151.25 square yards. While in other parts of the same state it is Kaccha 50.417 Square yards. Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand also have different values, ranging from 45 to 48.5 sq yards. One Biswa is generally considered equal to the 1/20th part of Bigha.


One Biswa (non-SI unit) is equal to 125.41 Square meters (SI unit). The term is not approved by the International Systems of Unit for global use but the unit can be easily converted to other Si units using a land measurement unit calculator.

Unit of Area Conversion Unit

1 Biswa

0.01254 hectare

1 Biswa

0.03099 acre

1 Biswa

125.41911 sq.mt.

1 Biswa

3.09946 cent

1 Biswa

149.99998 sq.yd.

1 Biswa

0.04959 bigha

1 Biswa

150.00125 gaj

1 Biswa

3.09946 decimal

1 Biswa

4.95868 marla

1 Biswa

1.23967 guntha

1 Biswa

0.24793 kanal

1 Biswa

0.99174 katha

1 Biswa

44.6281 sq.karam

1 Biswa

0.00013 sq.km.

1 Biswa

0.56242 ground

1 Biswa

30 chatak

1 Biswa

19.83471 dhur

1 Biswa

0.03099 killa

1 Biswa

0.00005 sq.mi.

1 Biswa

19.83471 lessa

1 Biswa

0.00124 murabba

1 Biswa

194399.60938 sq.in.

1 Biswa

0.49587 biswa kacha

1 Biswa

1254191 sq.cm.

1 Biswa

0.02344 pura

1 Biswa

1350 sq.ft.